Immigration Laws are Criminal!

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We are all good, honest people screwed by a criminal Immigration regulation. We have got no friends because friendship doesn't exist nowadays. Only opportunism. Join us and fight! Together we will succeed in exposing them!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

When the bombs are dropped in North Africa the Royals make the news..

It is symptomatic that the Royal Jerks would decide to get married just when there is a War going on a few miles south from their throne of idiocracy.
Billions have joined them in their uselessness on TV yesterday and everyone seem to be happy about it today.

What a wonderful World!

After Japan, they really needed another distraction in order to keep commoners out of the picture these days.
And what best to serve their purpose than a royal wedding.

Who the fuck gives a shit!

I certainly don't, and like me,  most of the few men and women left on this planet with a little brain-function still active.

And to all of you flat-wave-brainless-useless  consumers

Get on a plane/boat/transport  to Libya and     

WAKE THE FUCK UPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                        

                                                                                                     By Donald

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Donald!

    It is time for those monuments of selfishness to get the fuck off the picture.
    I personally couldn't give a damn about their personal lives.
    I guess for the idiots who read tabloids it is still a topic though.
    Those apemen and apewomen haven't the slightest idea of what is going on here.
    Good thing there are still people like you around.
    Keep up with the good deeds man.
