Immigration Laws are Criminal!

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We are all good, honest people screwed by a criminal Immigration regulation. We have got no friends because friendship doesn't exist nowadays. Only opportunism. Join us and fight! Together we will succeed in exposing them!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's time to get active. It's time to do something.

It has been already a decade since anglophone countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and US, (countries where the land abounds and hard workers have been replaced by a generation of lazy wankers that spend all their time playing with the PSP or watching ... and of course masturbating in front of porno clips) have initiated their counter-offensive against migrants, the little men from all around the world in seek for a quiet spot where honestly live in peace.

[Now even the most friendly and welcoming countries in Europe (think of Italy for a moment.. they are just following the path opened by those before them.. though everyone now seems to be denouncing them for it.. well at least they are being straightforward to immigrants.. they can't take them, ergo , they don't want them! easy as that.. you know it you avoid to waste you time there .. and money,. and   .. hopes) are aligning to the same corrupted system].

Although advertising still on more people ("the professionals" as they call them.. or "skilled migrants"..btw who are they??  Aliens? Supermen and superwomen? X-Men?  The Yeti?  Do they even exist????
Again listen to the bullshits coming out of their mouths) needed in their countries (and so pushing for more idiots... btw, I am one of them.. to bring over some money the benefit of  migration consulting firms, Universities and the all Tourism Industry.. do not forget that however you can't work there you are still needing a shelter, food , transportations, health care and so on...)


And in order to maintain the facade of  "good christians" the have created a fraudulent system, a labyrinth from where none can't get out once inside.

"The Migration Assessment System".



And if you had money,   well,    YOU WOULDN'T NEED A VISA WOULD YOU?

You'd still be in your own country enjoying your assets and the comfort living deriving from them.


And to all of us trapped in this criminal system

R  E  B  E  L  !!!


Start talking about this issue with your friends on the NET.


Overflow into the streets!!!

...Peacefully but




                                         by Dave 39 

1 comment:

  1. oh my god i could tell you endless stories about immigration. i lived in argentina for 8 yrs (easiest country to immigrate ahah) Canada for 4 years ( i was married there) and then after divorced i went to the philippines (stayed 1 year in different stays)(easy to enter as a tourist if you pay every 2 months). there i have my girlfriend. i tried to make her come to italy as a tourist did all the papers, sponsorpship, showed i had money, they interviewed her (for a tourist visa) digital prints, fees, trips to the embassy bullshits. they refused her twice. she s from a poor family like most of the filipinos. I ve always been for a free world(for everybody) and now im even more. a poor australian can go to italy or europe (no questions asked) while a filipina is locked in her country with no possibility to get out. at the embassy they even told me i should marry her if i want to bring her to italy. thats the europe that people depict as the symbol of freedom and helping others. well they damage their own citizens and put them in trouble. useless, all these papers are useless, waste of time of money, pure stupidity. in 50 years people will laugh at the bureaucracy we have now.who has the right to block someone? also if a filipina\o wants to get out as tourist to a neighbouring country where she needs no visa the same filipino corrupt police asks for bribes to them to let them on the plane. google "offloaded passengers naia" and you will see what i mean. anyway european community is a scandal now. they cannot talk about equality. its bullshit. an ant has the right to go to europe if it enters a suitcase but a person from a poor country no. and if you tell this story to people they will reply " yes but the italian gvernment wants to defend himself bla bla bla" all bullshit. I'm for an open world. why can i go to the philippines and they cant come here(italy)?? and italy has a shitty bureucracy too to authenticate documents for other things, crazy requests, useless, really they have to change. its better to be invisible to the governemnt, the more you appear, the more documents you do the more in trouble you are\feel stressed. lets get free from the governemtns, we are not the governemnt, they want to keep us in the society prison, but we are US
